Young Skeegie, Old Sparky and J. Edgar – Trailer

During a kidnap-for-ransom crime wave that plagued the country during the Great Depression (beginning with the notorious Lindbergh baby kidnapping case in 1932) a 5-year boy is snatched from his crib in a remote town on the edge of the Florida Everglades.
The parents, Bailey and Vera Cash, find a ransom note demanding $10,000 for the safe return of their son. The kidnapping of “Skeegie” Cash attracts immediate national attention when J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI czar, decides to get out from behind his desk and take over the investigation himself.
It would be the only time that Director Hoover (to score political points and save the Bureau from defunding) led his “G” men in a the field. What follows turns out to be a Keystone Cops comedy of procedural mishaps by the Feds – until the local sheriff quietly breaks the case wide open.