Dec. 12, 2024

Bad Boy From Boston

Bad Boy From Boston

A teenage serial killer! How much more depraved and demented does it get! Where was the Social Services department in 1871 Boston? Where were the court-ordered parenting classes? The absentee father? (His family was better off without him!) And where was a mother’s moral conscience?

If Jesse Pomeroy wasn’t born a serial killer, he was made one. And he made the most of the opportunity…inflicting his dark, gruesome sadism on toddlers across the city and creating public panic. And when finally apprehended and locked-up to protect the public, what did officials of the system do? Released him, so he could continue to inflict sadistic torture on innocent children. And mayhem ultimately became murder.

In perhaps the most egregious case of official malfeasance in American history, and one of the most horrific instances of serial mayhem and murder, Pomeroy was considered so irredeemably dangerous to public safety, that he was locked in solitary confinement for 50 years before his final release as a toothless, senile old man.